Licenced Professional Corporation Directory

Our members can assist you with your business and personal financial affairs. The range of services that firms provide to their clients is both broad and diverse. The following directory provides a list of professional corporations in good standing who hold a licence to perform audit and/or review services in Newfoundland and Labrador. If you are looking to engage the professional services of our members, you can filter by name, city, services provided, or size. Please note, the services listed are only those regulated by CPA Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Allen & Skinner CPA Professional CorporationCorner BrookNL+1 (709) 637-6966Audit2
Angela Pike Professional CorporationUpper Island CoveNL+1 (709) 683-2316Audit1
Avalon Accounting Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 579-6333Audit1
Beacon Accounting Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 999-2711Audit1
Brian Barker, CPA Professional CorporationDeer LakeNL+1 (709) 635-1152Audit1
Brian T. Scammell Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 754-7009Audit1
Byron D. Smith Professional CorporationSpaniard's BayNL+1 (709) 786-1232Audit1
Chris Brake Professional CorporationTorbayNL+1 (709) 690-7181Audit1
Chris Cavanagh Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 754-1929Review1
Chris Humby CPA Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 770-8522Review1
D. Keating Accounting Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 364-5600Audit1
David N. Snow Professional CorporationClarenvilleNL+1 (709) 466-2658Audit1
Dawe & Tuck Professional CorporationBay RobertsNL+1 (709) 786-7100Audit2
Debra J. Feltham Professional CorporationMount PearlNL+1 (709) 364-7300Audit1
Diamond & Associates Professional Corporation Inc.GanderNL+1 (709) 422-2413Review1
Douglas Kirby Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 726-2555Audit1
Harris Ryan Professional CorporationSt. John'sNL+1 (709) 726-8324Audit4
Jakob G.N. Walsh Professional CorporationClarenvilleNL+1 (709) 427-4723Audit1
James L Anstey Professional CorporationGanderNL+1 (709) 381-5000Audit1
Janice Kennedy CPA Professional CorporationStephenvilleNL+1 (709) 643-5677Audit1