Internationally Designated Accountants

On behalf of Chartered Professional Accountants of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPA NL) and the other provincial and regional CPA bodies, CPA Canada has signed membership recognition agreements with various international accounting bodies that permit members of those bodies to apply for the Canadian CPA designation and allow Canadian CPAs to apply for membership in those bodies.

If you are a fully qualified member in good standing of an international accounting body listed on Schedule 1 below, you may have rights to CPA certification in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Schedule 1 lists the various countries and the type of agreement for each country. Information on the eligibility requirements and how to apply is available by clicking on your specific accounting body.  

As self-regulating professional bodies mandated by legislation, all provincial bodies have the sole authority to accredit CPAs, and to impose additional requirements over and above the minimum requirements specified in the MRA documents.  Consequently, there is no recourse to appeal such additional requirements to CPA NL or any other body. 

Note:  Admission to membership does not provide a member with the right to offer public accounting services. Members may apply for licensure as a public accountant by fulfilling the necessary requirements. Please refer to the Application for Individual Licensure under Public Accounting Forms and the CPA NL By-Laws on the CPA NL website. 

The Chartered Professional Accountants and Public Accountants Act of Newfoundland and Labrador, restricts use of the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA) designations in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador to members of CPA NL. Applicants will be granted the right to use the applicable designation(s) upon admission to membership.

Schedule 1

Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA)

Reciprocal Membership Agreements (RMA)

Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)


All other Professional Accounting Bodies that are not listed above please contact  [email protected]


If you are a Canadian CPA seeking an international designation, please see the CPA Canada website for more information.